
The Governance and Decentralization Resource Center is a one-stop repository of information for researchers that come to obtain information on governance reforms and undertake research on decentralization issues.

The Center is the hub where important research findings, policy instruments and publications on decentralization and other related documents of interest to stakeholders are kept in both hard and digital copies. The hard copies are available on the shelves of the Physical Library while the digital copies are available in our e-Library.

As part of the Commission’s mandate to promote civic education within the context of good governance and speedy access to real-time and quality information, the Governance Commission, in partnership with USAID, has established the Governance and Decentralization Resource Center, the first of its kind in Liberia. The Center is equipped with the right resources to provide both digital library and Physical Library services to the public. These two modes allow the public and GC partners to gain easy access to information on the Commission’s research work.

This approach is in fulfillment of the Commission’s mandate to ensure that all governance-related work and other researchers conducted is made accessible and available to all citizens and partners.

In overall, the Resource Center is part of GC’s strategy to step up in increasing the public’s access to knowledge generated from the Commission’s work conducted through high level consultations with citizens, professionals, study tours, researches and country-specific retrospective analyses and best practices as they relate to governance in Liberia.

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